律师杰夫·库林斯基和维姆·J. Kottukapally


为客户提供效率, 自1983年以来,在大大小小的法律事务方面具有丰富的经验和效率.

律师杰夫·库林斯基和维姆·J. Kottukapally
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This privacy policy applies to information collected online from users of this website. 在本保单中, 你可以了解八方体育app下载收集什么样的信息, 八方体育app下载何时以及如何使用这些信息, 八方体育app下载如何保护信息, 以及你对个人信息的选择.

What personal information is collected through this website and how is it used?

We collect information about our users in three ways: directly from the user, 从八方体育app下载的Web服务器日志和通过cookie. We use the information primarily to provide you with a personalized Internet experience that delivers the information, resources, 以及对你最相关和最有帮助的服务. 八方体育app下载不会与他人分享您提供的任何信息, 除非本隐私政策另有规定, 或者当八方体育app下载真诚地相信法律的要求时.


如果你在这个网站上填写“联系”表格, we will ask you to provide some personal information (such as e-mail address, name, 电话号码和州). 八方体育app下载只要求您在联系表格上提供电子邮件地址. Further, 如果聊天是可用的通过这个网站, you may be asked to provide information if you participate in an online chat. 请不要提交任何机密, 专有或敏感的个人身份信息(例如.g. Social Security Number; date of birth; drivers license number; or credit card, 银行账户或其他财务信息)(统称, “敏感信息”). 如果您提交任何敏感信息, you do so at your own risk and we will not be liable to you or responsible for consequences of your submission.

Information that you provide to us through the contact form or an online chat will be used so that we may respond to your inquiry. We may also use information you provide to us to communicate with you in the future. If you do not wish to receive such communications, you may opt out (unsubscribe) as described below.


当您访问八方体育app下载的网站时, we may track information about your visit and store that information in web server logs, 哪些是八方体育app下载网站上的活动记录. 服务器自动捕获并保存电子信息. 八方体育app下载可能收集的资料包括:

  • 您唯一的互联网协议地址;
  • 您唯一的互联网服务提供商的名称;
  • 您访问八方体育app下载网站的城镇/城市、县/州和国家;
  • 你使用的浏览器或电脑类型;
  • 您在网站内点击的链接数量;
  • 您到访的日期和时间;
  • 您进入八方体育app下载网站的网页;
  • the pages you viewed on the site; and
  • 您通过八方体育app下载的网站进行的某些搜索/查询.

八方体育app下载在web服务器日志中收集的信息有助于八方体育app下载管理网站, 分析其用法, protect the website and its content from inappropriate use and improve the user’s experience.


为了提供和提供一个定制的和个性化的服务, our websites and applications may use cookie和类似技术 to store and help track information about you. Cookies are simply small pieces of data that are sent to your browser from a Web server and stored on your computer’s hard drive. We use cookies to help remind us who you are and to help you navigate our sites during your visits. Cookies also can tell us where visitors go on a website and allow us to save preferences for you so you won’t have to re-enter them each time you visit. cookie的使用相对规范. 大多数互联网浏览器最初设置为接受cookie, but you can use your browser to either notify you when you receive a cookie or to disable cookies.

If you wish to disable cookies from this site, you can do so using your browser. You should understand that some features of many sites may not function properly if you don’t accept cookies. 有关使用浏览器管理cookie的更多信息,请参见 关于饼干. 您也可以拒绝接受Flash cookie从本网站使用 Adobe的Flash管理工具. 您可以通过访问选择不使用谷歌的cookie 谷歌的广告设置.

通过浏览本网站, you consent to the use of cookie和类似技术 in accordance with this Privacy Statement.


八方体育app下载可能会使用第三方托管的服务, 包括Adobe网站催化剂, to assist in providing our services and to help us understand the use of our site by our visitors. These services may collect information sent by your browser as part of a web page request, 包括您的IP地址或cookie. 如果这些第三方服务收集信息, they do so anonymously and in the aggregate to provide information helpful to us such as website trends, 不识别个别访客.

In addition, 八方体育app下载可能会使用第三方提供的服务来显示相关内容, products, 为您提供的服务和广告. 这些第三方可能会使用cookie, web beacons and similar technologies to collect or receive information from this website and elsewhere on the internet. They may then use that information to provide measurement services so we can understand your interests and retarget advertisements based on your previous visits to this website. Please keep in mind that we do not share your personal information with any third-party advertiser, AD服务器或AD网络.

You may be able to opt-out of the collection and use of information for ad targeting by some third parties by visiting www.aboutads.info/choices. 您可以通过访问选择不使用谷歌的cookie 谷歌的广告设置. 你可以访问这个 page 选择退出AdRoll及其合作伙伴的定向广告. Please see “Cookies” in the section above for more information on how you can control the use of cookies on your computer.


八方体育app下载的网络服务不会改变, change, or respond upon receiving Do Not Track (DNT) requests or signals in browsers. 正如上面更详细描述的那样, 八方体育app下载使用web服务器日志跟踪用户活动, cookie和类似技术. Information collected in web server logs helps us analyze website usage and improve the user’s experience. Cookies allow us to offer you a customized experience and present relevant advertising to you.


We take certain appropriate security measures to help protect your personal information from accidental loss and from unauthorized access, 使用或披露. However, we cannot guarantee that unauthorized persons will always be unable to defeat our security measures.


八方体育app下载不卖, rent, 或者将邮件列表或其他用户数据出租给其他人, and we will not make your personal information available to any unaffiliated parties, 但以下情况除外:

  • to agents, website vendors and/or contractors who may use it on our behalf or in connection with their relationship with us;
  • 如果八方体育app下载不能帮助你的事情, 但是你要知道一个独立的律师或公司可能会帮助你, we may refer you and share information you provided us with that party; and
  • 按照法律的要求, 在公共安全或政策方面, as needed in connection with the transfer of our business assets (for example, if we are acquired by another firm or if we are liquidated during bankruptcy proceedings), or if we believe in good faith that sharing the data is necessary to protect our rights or property.

How can I correct, amend or delete my personal information and/or opt out of future communications?

您可以在任何时候选择不再与八方体育app下载联系. Contact us via the phone number, contact form or mailing address on our website at any time to:

  • 看看八方体育app下载有关于你的什么资料,如果有的话;
  • 更改/更正八方体育app下载所拥有的有关您的任何资料;
  • ask us to delete any data we have about you; and/or
  • 选择不接收八方体育app下载未来的通讯.

If you have any additional questions or concerns about this privacy policy, 请通过电话号码与八方体育app下载联系, 本网站上列出的联系方式或邮寄地址. If our information practices change in a significant way, we will post the policy changes here.
